Why I’m leaving my job at Wanderlust… and what’s next!

Plus why it matters to YOU

“I can’t do this anymore.”

I heard these words from that inner voice and felt the truth of them in the pit of my stomach.

The tears came – because I’ve loved my job and the people I work with.

Because I knew it was time to step into my own power, fly past my doubts and share my light (and that was both exciting and terrifying).

Because I could no longer lie to myself that it was time to move on.

I’ve been witnessing (and mentoring) so many of my friends, clients and women in my community as they made big life-changing decisions over the past year.

Ones around ending a relationship, changing careers, making a big health decision or moving to where their heart was calling but far away from family…

Decisions that are heartbreaking, tear inducing and full of both muddling through the confusion and soul clarity conviction.

And suddenly, I found myself right in the middle of ALL OF IT too.

So how do you know when it’s time to make a change?

I’ve made many leaps of faith in my lifetime and here’s the signposts for me (curious if they are the same for you?):

1. You’re no longer growing and have mastered what you came to learn.
When I realized that I could continue doing what I was very good at but didn’t light up my soul – or I could walk my talk and fully base my business on my soul gifts, I knew it was time to go.

2. Your heart, soul and unique authentic expression are pointing you into the unknown.
All the astrology readings, inner messages and signs keep pointing to going off on my own – I just had to wait until my courage and confidence and clarity said GO! Even with the all the fear and doubt bubbling up.

3. Speaking of, you’re staying because of an underlying (and often hidden) fear.
Once I saw that my perceived financial security and fear of losing it was at the root of why I wasn’t listening to my soul, I couldn’t keep lying to myself. So I told my dear friend Sheri, it was time for us to create an exit plan for me to go off on my own.

Since this revelation, I’ve been in a massive exploration to deeply accept myself, how I want to work, and what my new business model is.

And can I just say I am over the moon excited?!?

It’s BIG and full of mystery, mastery, magic – and yes a bit of messy too.

It’s about women supporting women in sisterhood, blending women’s wisdom traditions and an ancient spiritual lineage while evolving to embrace today’s times.

It FINALLY brings together all my experiences, soul gifts, challenges, you name it in a “oh that now makes sense” and “you just can’t make this up” kind of way.

For example… check out this image (which my graphic designer created over a year ago).

As my business came into form, I realized this graphic captures the essence of who I am and what I’m sharing with the world… a Fully Shining Women rooted in possibility and radiating out into her family, community and world.

It’s now a symbol for what’s to come (and yes, I’m being a bit mysterious here!)

Most importantly my new direction is about you – and us as Fully Shining Women. 

It’s my way of creating community and collaborations and responding to what’s going on within each one of us and within the world as we navigate this rise in women’s empowerment, leadership and consciousness.

I am working in a way that honors my creativity, inspiration, downloads and the magic that happens when you follow the breadcrumbs.

So I’ll be sharing more over the next few weeks and inviting you to come play, laugh, dance, grow, sing…

Because as Fully Shining Women, we’re here to stand in our power, accept & trust ourselves, speak our truth and express our inner light in our life, relationships and career by being our own unique authentic selves.

And I believe we’re meant to do it together.

I’d love to hear if there are changes big or small happening in your world – and how you’re faring.

To your fully shining life & business,

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