Ouf… | Shamanic Healer | Spiritual Life & Business Coach | Meghan Gilroy | Paonia CO

Over these last few weeks I’ve heard so many stories of…

I’m exhausted from this year – both the shifts within me and the craziness around me…
I’ve been on fire out in the world. I need some replenishing!
My family/partner is struggling and it’s weighing me down…
I can’t catch my breath so much is happening…
I’ve been cracking open…

I hear you.

This year I’ve felt such a deep call to be of service.

I’ve also been shocked at the depth of healing work I needed to do (after so so many years of healing work).

My physical body has needed more attention.

And there’s been so much going on with my husband, children, community, school (no school!), work, you name it. And yet…

I feel more solid at my core.

And I need to replenish and re-center each and every day.

And I believe where I direct my energy impacts what happens in the world.

With ALL of this happening, I realized what I most need is to generate the power and take the time to stabilize my energy, then send it out to the causes, situations and people who need it.

And I’d rather do it TOGETHER.

Won’t you join me?

Fully Shining Women DREAMING Our World 4 week virtual ceremonial/guided meditation circle with teachings

When: Starting October 22nd for 4 weeks through the US Elections… Thursdays at 3:30pm ET (New York), 1:30pm MT (Denver), 12:30pmET (Los Angeles)

All calls will be recorded and emailed if you miss one.

I want us to have effortless energy to:

🍫Heal our bodies
🍫Take care of ourselves and our families
🍫 Be present & involved for political action
🍫Serve in our businesses
🍫Finish those books & projects that have been waiting to be birthed

To register, just click on the button below and enter an amount. Recommended tuition $111 (with the option to pay between $66 – $111 if needed).


This time between now and the US Elections feel like a critical one to me. Let’s see what we can co-create together.

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