Connecting to the Messages from Your True Self & True North|

Connecting to the Messages from Your True Self & True North
Guided Meditation

Here’s guided support to drop back into listening to the messages from your true self and realigning your energy with your heart’s desire!


To listen to the meditation on this page: Click on the arrow on the left of the audio player to play or pause. You can save and bookmark this page to come back and listen at any time.

Now what?

Interested in working together privately?
Book a time to explore whether a shamanic healing/spiritual coaching package or private retreat is right for you.

We can focus on walking through a transition in your life, what’s holding you back in your relationships, health, finances or work or further developing your connection to your intuition, guides & Spirit.

I’m always humbled by how our outer everyday life shifts into more ease and flow when we listen to our soul!

“I’ve never had a healing session before that penetrated down into my bones. It was such a physical experience. You were removing things from my energetic field that felt lifetimes old – it was perfection.

You would say the exact thing that would carry me into the next layer of what needed healing. You were absolutely in full alignment with Source and I felt truly guided. It was so powerful!”

Chelsie Taylor

Psychedelic Integration Specialist, Podcaster, and Musician

“Meghan supported me through major shifts in my work, health and owning who I am as a healer.

As a true guide and support partner, she helped me strengthen, utilize and trust my spiritual gifts, which has enabled me to live my fullest life and be of highest service.

She’s showed me how to walk myself and my clients through mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical blocks, making me a more powerful coach and healer.

Now I’m so much more relaxed, at ease, and happier in my life and work!”

Denise Marsh

Transformational Mindset Guide


Our world needs fully shining leaders of all gender expressions, sexual orientations, race, ethnicity, religious and spiritual beliefs and backgrounds. You matter. At this time, my individual soul’s calling is to work with women leaders and bring our powerful voices and perspectives to our world. My ultimate vision is for ALL of us to shine at our brightest, living and working in harmony with each other and our planet. Join our tribe!

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