Preparation for Téatihuacan | Shamanic Healer | Spiritual Life & Business Coach | Meghan Gilroy | Paonia CO

Preparation for our
Woman of Power
Power Journey to Téatihuacan

The energy is building for our journey and it’s time to tune into the messages on how to best prepare ourselves.

First and foremost is the invitation to trust yourself and how you are called to prepare.

What needs to be cleared from your mind, body, emotions or life to fully give yourself over to the experience you’ve called in?

What energetic intent are you nurturing and feeding for yourself?

Spend time in space, stillness and silence (or how you connect and tune in) over the next few weeks.

Next, I’ve recorded a transmission and activation that will support receiving and hearing the messages from your soul. I’d encourage you to listen as part of your daily practice for 3-7 days and then as often as you are called.

Preparation for Téatihuacan Guided Meditation

by Meghan Gilroy

We are activating ease, divine feminine support and calm nervous systems for our journey. This meditation will drop you into an ancient subterranean sacred pool where Isis and a cohort of your guides and supporters will hold space to deeply replenish you. I recommend that you listen as often as you are called.

Remembering & Resting in the Deep Feminine Guided Meditation

by Meghan Gilroy

I’m also sharing an Activate Your Woman of Power guided shamanic journey that I recently taught so we can have a common language and so you can explore how your Woman of Power is alive within you.

Activate Your Woman of Power Guided Shamanic Journey

In this Masterclass, you’ll discover:

❣️ What is your Inner Woman of Power?

❣️ How to activate and access her (guided shamanic journey starting at 25:00)

❣️ How yours can support you on your epic journey of rapid evolution in these intense times


Finally, we’ll be gathering for a pre-trip call the week of September 11th.

On this call we’ll activate our intents, get to know each other better, share the logistical details and answer any questions you may have. Make sure you let me know your availability via email!

If you have any questions, please reach out to me at


Can’t wait to hug you in Mexico!


Our world needs fully shining leaders of all gender expressions, sexual orientations, race, ethnicity, religious and spiritual beliefs and backgrounds. You matter. At this time, my individual soul’s calling is to work with women leaders and bring our powerful voices and perspectives to our world. My ultimate vision is for ALL of us to shine at our brightest, living and working in harmony with each other and our planet. Join our tribe!

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