S: Mama Ceremony | Shamanic Healer | Spiritual Life & Business Coach | Meghan Gilroy | Paonia CO

Reclaim Who You Are Now Mama!

A Sacred Rite of Passage Ceremony for Mamas of Little Ones

Sunday, February 25th, 1 – 4pm
(Please arrive at 12:45pm to settle in)
The Opaloka on Lamborn Mesa, Paonia, CO

You are sacred, mama.
You deserve to be tended as a temple.
And your epic journey with motherhood deserves to be honored.

Oh sweet mama, it’s time.

Time to honor and acknowledge what you and your body have gone through on this rite of passage as mother.

It’s time to reclaim who you are as your own person beyond your sacred role as mama.

Just imagine escaping for an afternoon that’s focused solely on your self-care.

You’re swaddled in a blanket, so cozy. You inhale deeply at the scent of sweet essential oils as they are lovingly applied to your forehead.

You smile as the flower petals shower you. Another deep exhale as you feel a release inside…

What’s in store for you?

There’ll be time and breath for:

  • dropping into a intentful meditation to acknowledge the beauty and challenges of motherhood – and what you are calling in for yourself now
  • a facilitated threshold ceremony to wrap your body and bones with sacred touch in blanket, flowers and essential oils
  • the space for all your many mixed feels that come with being a mom with growing little ones to be heard.

This sacred ceremony is for you no matter where you are on the spectrum of young motherhood – whether you’re crossing the threshold of coming through birth, ending breastfeeding, the return of your moon cycle or of your little one heading off to school.

Our time together will help you feel strong, centered and clearer about who you are now, what your passions are and how to move forward in your life with intention in this next phase.

This is an intimate experience limited to 12 mamas so there’s time for individual care.

Here’s what you’ll receive:

  • An afternoon of intentful meditation, ceremony, sister sharing and sacred care
  • All the supplies for altar, ceremony and individual body wrap (please bring your own blanket)
  • A recorded guided meditation to integrate your experience after the ceremony
  • A donation to Western Slope Native American Resource Center in our group’s name to honor the Utes and this beautiful Valley

$88 Early Bird by February 18th
$108 General Admission
with sliding scale option for those in need (email Karen to discuss & register)

What to bring:

  • A large soft blanket to wrap yourself in
  • Any pillows to support your head or for under your knees
  • A journal and pen
  • A sacred object for the altar that symbolizes you and your desire for yourself (such as a photo, crystal, figurine or other small item)

Please arrange for childcare so you and the other mamas can fully drop into a few hours of focusing on yourself and your needs.

Directions to location, how to prepare yourself and reminders will be sent upon registration.

Questions? Email Karen

Meet your shaman & guide…

Meghan Gilroy is a shaman in the Toltec lineage, a priestess in the mystery school of life, a healer and spiritual life coach who was named a “spiritual leader for the next generation” in her early twenties by international best-selling author of The Four Agreements don Miguel Ruiz.

Since then, she has woven feminine wisdom into her work within a community of women in the mountain valley in Colorado where she plays and prays, as well as around the world through her Fully Shining Women Leading Our World movement.

Meghan’s soul purpose is guide us to listen to the messages from our souls and weave this guidance into our everyday lives. She inspires women to claim ourselves as sacred and powerful through women’s circles and ceremony, online programs, retreats and one-on-one shamanic healing.

She does her best daily to live in harmony with her hunky hubby, growing kiddos in a blended family, and with Mother Earth.

CANCELLATION POLICY: Because this is an intimate, small group event limited to 12 mamas, your ticket is non-refundable. If you cannot attend, we ask that you gift your spot to another mom or invite one to take your place.


Our world needs fully shining leaders of all gender expressions, sexual orientations, race, ethnicity, religious and spiritual beliefs and backgrounds. You matter. At this time, my individual soul’s calling is to work with women leaders and bring our powerful voices and perspectives to our world. My ultimate vision is for ALL of us to shine at our brightest, living and working in harmony with each other and our planet. Join our tribe!

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