Welcome to the Tribe | Shamanic Healer | Spiritual Life & Business Coach | Meghan Gilroy | Paonia CO

Tears spring to my eyes when I picture my friends who whole-heartedly relate to juggling and dancing through life… who make me laugh and nod “Oh yes! Been there!” as I embark on launching Shaman Girl… who give me an outlet for moaning and tell me “It’s okay” and “It won’t always be this way” over any Shaman Boy woes.

After all, don’t we all love it when we find a friend who totally “gets” us?

My dream for Shaman Girl is a whole supportive community of gal pals who do.

It feels vital to my soul to have peeps who declare I vote for love” and “I am powerful” by my side. Doing so takes a lot of bleepin’ courage!

And it breaks my heart to think of Shaman Girls out there who think that they don’t have anyone to confide in or are being judged for being different from the norm.

So how about banding together?

Meghan Girloy and Virtual Assistant


Community comes from an old French word that means “with/together” plus “gift.” And I know that when I come together with other strong, vulnerable, open-hearted women like you, it is a gift to us all.

What makes a community? I love Robert Frost’s definition, “A civilized community is one which tolerates eccentricity to the point of doubtful sanity.”  And some days I doubt my sanity! It’s a little zany ’round here. I do believe in the need for tolerance – or at least fair customs that we all can play by.

Here at Shaman Girl, we might not like rules, but we do agree to play nicely.

Here’s what I propose as the foundation to our eccentric community:

1. It’s a come as you are party – whether you’re full of passion or hardly able to get out of bed, have clarity or are utterly confused.
 It’s totally cool to be messy and real and raw. Or over-the-top happy and joyful. Everybody’s invited, no matter what state you’re currently in.

2. We are one.We all come from spirit. Spirit says, “I love you, and you, and you. You rock. You are a superstar. You can do anything.” That makes us all equally special. (Awww.) And if you’re human, you most likely have the same fears – that we aren’t loveable or good enough or perfect, and same dreams – to be happy and healthy. Therefore, we use the third essential.

3. We practice using gentle words and kind hands (as I have to keep reminding Shaman Boy).
 It can be challenging to be vulnerable! So we practice speaking to ourselves, and others, kindly and gently even when we disagree. Please share your thoughts, musings, and questions – just do so kindly and respectfully. We help by reaching out and pitching in however we can – with good vibes, a joke, a prayer, money, or action.

4. We are all evolving.That means when we forget or fall out of awareness, we get to practice radical self-loving acceptance and forgiveness – and try again. And damn it, we reserve the right to change our minds at any time.

5. Love is the most powerful force in the world.
 Love overcomes fear, limitations, confusion, judgment, and competition. We are on the same team here, doing our best to love ourselves and each other. Love rules. And Shaman Girls rock.

What do you think?

Are you in?

There are so many ways we can spread the love. Through cheering each other on through this blog (please leave a comment!) and with Tribe Projects (I’ve got a good one coming soon!)

You can connect with other Shaman Girls in your neck of the woods using the map on our Tribe page. Claim your spot. If you are interested in other Shaman Girls finding you, enter your email address in the description box.

You can also find more of us hanging out at www.facebook.com/shamangirls. While you’re there, you can also ask for some love if you, a friend, or a loved one needs a prayer, good thoughts, or a virtual hug. And don’t forget to click LIKE to stay in the loop.

Got another idea for how Shaman Girls can connect? play? support others? Email us your ideas!

Glad you’re here. (Overjoyed actually!) Let the raw, the real, and the fun begin!


Welcome to the Tribe,


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