Untying the Knots | Shamanic Healer | Spiritual Life & Business Coach | Meghan Gilroy | Paonia CO

Walk in the Woods“Your life is filled with so much gratitude,” another parent said to me at school drop off this morning. “I really enjoy reading your posts.”

I laughed. “Well,” I replied. “I write those posts to remind myself to be grateful.”

Heavens knows I’m not always grateful. Like all of us, I tie myself up in knots. I get annoyed when my day doesn’t go as planned. Or when a certain kiddo doesn’t listen. Or when I feel undervalued, tired or hungry. I get my panties all knotted up, as Jamie likes to say. Then have to remind myself how to untie them.

Years ago I used to think that being a spiritual teacher meant that you were perfect and had all the answers. That you had it all together. But now I see that my “teachings” are my explaining the way I move myself from being stuck or frustrated or sad into a place of bigger perspective – more contentment, more acceptance, more ease.

9 times out of 10, I’m speaking to myself. I often post a musing and the next day, voila, I have the opportunity to practice it. I try to shake my head and laugh at that instead of gnashing my teeth. Miraculously, there are always a few of you who nod your head too because don’t we all need reminders sometimes?

When I returned home from school, I planned on having Téa nod off to sleep so I could work on an impending deadline. She didn’t…

So this morning I am grateful for my daughter, who reminded me that there is always time to take a walk through the woods. I am grateful for the neighbor who dropped off a bag of vegetables from her garden. I’m grateful for the crickets who are the soundtrack of my life.

We all tie ourselves up in knots sometimes. And that’s okay. You are not alone. The way to unwind always appears in we drop in, be still, reach out. Sometimes it means calling a friend, or taking a bath, having a good cry, or having an hour to yourself. 

Here’s to untying our panties, sisters!

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